God bless the little darlings. They were born innocent and still are in many ways. They simply don't know any better when they are given their freedom(drivers license) which comes with some training, but like anything else, most of the real training comes on the job. Here are the 5 most challenging mistakes inexperienced drivers make:
1. Speeding. The faster a vehicle is traveling the longer it will take to bring the vehicle to a stop. Most teens understand this concept, however, the distance needed to stop increases exponentially as speed increases.
2. Distractions. Their biggest problem is they do not pay attention to their driving! Teens are constantly changing radio stations and C.D.’s. An increasingly popular and time consuming activity is talking on their cell phone or text messaging from their cell phone. Safety Tip; Don’t call your teen when you know that they are driving. It is amazing how often parents do this!
3. Overcorrecting. Many teen will take turns at too high of speeds, will then overcorrect and lose control of their vehicle.
4. Following too Close. This is the one thing that could prevent the largest number of accidents! If teens would just increase their following distance, then many times they could avoid an accident because they will have time to take evasive action. The correct following distance is two car lengths for every 10 miles per hour.
5. Failure to Yield. Many teens simply do not understand which vehicle has the right of way.
Please take some time and look at all of the tools our teen driver safety site has to offer at www.teendriverinsurance.com/stromsoe. Summer is a really good time to spend a few minutes or hours here.
If we can answer any quetions, please call our office at 951-600-5751.
May safe and slower travels be in your drivers seat.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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